Esto va a terminar siendo un Meme. A ver cuantos años de tratamiento me harían falta para volver a la normalidad...
- Properly secure a wireless router. Check
- Crack the WEP key on a wireless router. Nope. Todavía no me hizo falta, todo el mundo usa wifi abierta.
- Leech Wifi from your neighbor. Check
- Screw with Wifi leeches. Check
- Setup and use a VPN. Check
- Work from home or a coffee shop as effectively as you do at the office. Check
- Wire your own home with Ethernet cable. Check
- Turn a web camera into security camera. Check
- Use your 3G phone as a Wi-Fi access point. Nope, tengo un celular de los viejos.
- Understand what “There’s no Place Like” means. Check
- Identify key-loggers. Check
- Properly connect a TV, Tivo, XBox, Wii, and Apple TV so they all work together with the one remote. Nope, demasiados aparatos que no tengo.
- Program a universal remote. Check, más el de la tarjeta de tv en linux.
- Swap out the battery on your iPod/iPhone. Nope, tengo iNothing.
- Benchmark Your Computer. Check
- Identify all computer components on sight. Check
- Know which parts to order from, and how to assemble them into a working PC. Check
- Troubleshoot any computer/gadget problem, over the phone. Check
- Use any piece of technology intuitively, without instruction or prior knowledge. Check
- How to irrecoverably protect data. Yo diría, destruir datos en forma irrecuperable... Check
- Recover data from a dead hard drive. Check, incluso viendo girar en vivo los platos.
- Share a printer between a Mac and a PC on a network. Nope, no Mac.
- Install a Linux distribution. (Hint: Ubuntu 9.04 is easier than installing Windows). Check
- Remove a virus from a computer. Check
- Dual (or more) boot a computer. Check
- Boot a computer off a thumb drive. Check
- Boot a computer off a network drive. Check, y varias a la vez con PXE.
- Replace or repair a laptop keyboard. Nope, y espero que no en el corto plazo.
- Run more than two monitors on a single computer. Nope, máximo dos en el desktop.
- Successfully disassemble and reassemble a laptop. Nope, y espero que no haga falta.
- Know at least 10 software easter eggs off the top of your head. Nope, llego a contar cuatro.
- Bypass a computer password on all major operating systems. Windows, Mac, Linux. Nope, no he intentado en Mac.
- Carrying a computer cleaning arsenal on your USB drive. Check
- Bypass content filters on public computers. Check
- Protect your privacy when using a public computer. Check
- Surf the web anonymously from home. Check
- Buy a domain, configure bind, apache, MySQL, php, and Wordpress without Googling a how-to. Nope, aún no me decido por el dominio.
- Basic *nix command shell knowledge with the ability to edit and save a file with vi. Check
- Create a web site using vi. Check
- Transcode a DVD to play on a portable device. Nope
- Hide a file in an image using steganography. Check
- Knowing the answer to life, the universe and everything. Nope
- Share a single keyboard and mouse between multiple computers without a KVM switch. Check
- Google obscure facts in under 3 searches. Bonus point if you can use I Feel Lucky. Check
- Build amazing structures with LEGO and invent a compelling back story for the creation. Check
- Understand that it is LEGO, not Lego, Legos, or Lego’s. Check
- Build a two story house out of LEGO, in monochrome, with a balcony. Check, tuve muchos LEGO.
- Construct a costume for you or your kid out of scraps, duct tape, paper mâché, and imagination. Nope
- Be able to pick a lock. Nope
- Determine the combination of a Master combination padlock in under 10 minutes. Nope
- Assemble IKEA furniture without looking at the instructions. Bonus point if you don’t have to backtrack. Nope, al menos no de IKEA.
- Use a digital SLR in full manual mode. Nope, sólo la analógica en modo manual, he.
- Do cool things to Altoids tins. Nope
- Be able to construct paper craft versions of space ships. Check
- Origami! Bonus point for duct tape origami. (Ductigami) Check (single point)
- Fix anything with duct tape, chewing gum and wire. Check
- Knowing how to avoid being eaten by a grue. Nope. No vale el animal de Another World?
- Know what a grue is. Nope
- Understand where XYZZY came from, and have used it. Nope
- Play any SNES game on your computer through an emulator. Check
- Burn the rope. Nope
- Know the Konami code, and where to use it. Nope
- Whistle, hum, or play on an iPhone, the Cantina song. Nope
- Learning to play the theme songs to the kids favorite TV shows. Nope
- Solve a Rubik’s Cube. Check, sólo si vale despegar los colores.
- Calculate THAC0. Nope
- Know the difference between skills and traits. Check
- Explain special relativity in terms an eight-year-old can grasp. Check, aunque aún no hizo falta.
- Recite pi to 10 places or more. Nope, llego a 3.1415926.
- Be able to calculate tip and split the check, all in your head. Check, mas un plus por haber hecho el cálculo.
- Explain that the colours in a rainbow are roygbiv. Check
- Understand the electromagnetic spectrum - xray, uv, visible, infrared, microwave, radio. Check
- Know the difference between radiation and radioactive contamination. Check
- Understand basic electronics components like resistors, capacitors, inductors and transistors. Check
- Solder a circuit while bottle feeding an infant. (lead free solder please.). Nope, si lo intento quizás termine soldando un bebé y alimentando un circuito.
- The meaning of technical acronyms. Check
- The coffee dash, blindfolded (or blurry eyed). Coffee
[cream] [sugar]. In under a minute. Check - Build a fighting robot. Nope
- Program a fighting robot. Nope
- Build a failsafe into a fighting robot so it doesn’t kill you. Sh*t! it's coming after us!!
- Be able to trace the Fellowship’s journey on a map of Middle Earth. Nope
- Know all the names of the Dwarves in The Hobbit. Nope
- Understand the difference between a comic book and a graphic novel. Check
- Know where your towel is and why it is important. Check, towelie said it to me.
- Re-enact the parrot sketch. Check, poor parrot.
- Know the words to The Lumberjack Song. Check
- Reciting key scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Double check
- Be able to recite at least one Geek Movie word for word. Nope
- Know what the 8th Chevron does on a Stargate and how much power is required to get a lock. Nope
- Be able to explain why it’s important that Han shot first. Check
- Know why it is just wrong for Luke and Leia to kiss. Check, ajjjj...
- Stop talking Star Wars long enough to get laid. Check, al menos una vez.
- The ability to name actors, characters and plotlines from the majority of sci-fi movies produced since 1968. Check, pero defina bien mayoría.
- Cite Mythbusters when debunking a myth or urban legend. Check
- Sleep with a Cricket bat next to your bed. Nope
- Have a documented plan on what to do during a zombie or robot uprising. Nope, está todo en mi cabeza.
- Identify evil alternate universe versions of friends, family, co-workers or self. Nope
- Be able to convince TSA that the electronic parts you are carrying are really not a threat to passengers. Nope
- Talk about things that aren’t tech related. Check, religión y política, pero solo a veces.
- Get something on the front page of Digg. Nope
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